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A contingent of the Boston SMC Gay Liberation Task Force sits with a sign ("Gays against oppression, here and abroad") in a mass of protesters gathered for the Vietnam War Out Now demonstration, 24 April 1971
A costumed demonstrator sits on a platform set up on the National Mall with others standing around him during demonstrations of the House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 03 October 1968
Costumed demonstrators gather around a platform set up on the National Mall during demonstrations of the House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 03 October 1968
Costumed demonstrators gather on the National Mall during demonstrations of the House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 03 October 1968
A costumed man ties balloons by a platform set up on the National Mall during demonstrations of the House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 03 October 1968
A costumed protester on the National Mall during demonstrations of the House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 03 October 1968
The cross is lowered after the Vietnam Passion Play, a mock crucifixion organized by the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, outside the White House, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A cross is paraded by the White House during the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy's mock crucifixion, also called the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A cross is paraded near the White House during the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy's mock crucifixion, also called the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A crowd gathers outside the White House as the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy performs a mock crucifixion, called the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A crowd gathers outside the White House to view the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy's mock crucifixion, called the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A crowd gathers outside the White House to watch the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy stage a mock crucifixion, called the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A crowd gathers outside the White House to watch the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy stage a mock crucifixion, dubbed the Vietnam Passion Play, Washington, D.C., 06 April 1969
A crowd of anti-war demonstrators passing the Washington Monument on their way to a rally at the Sylvan Theater, 26 October 1968
A crowd of anti-war demonstrators passing the Washington Monument on their way to the Sylvan Theater, 26 October 1968
A crowd of May Day protesters at the National Archives begins to disperse as tear gas is released, 01-03 May 1971
