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A contingent of the Boston SMC Gay Liberation Task Force sits with a sign ("Gays against oppression, here and abroad") in a mass of protesters gathered for the Vietnam War Out Now demonstration, 24 April 1971
Men unwind near a Gay Liberation banner at the May Day protesters' West Potomac Park campsite, 01-03 May 1971
A naked man sleeps in the sun near leaflets advertising "Gay Day" and surrounded by fellow campers at the May Day protesters' West Potomac Park campsite, 01-03 May 1971
Protesters sit on the US Capitol grounds near the House of Representatives, including representatives from the Gay Task Force, during the Vietnam War Out Now demonstration, 24 April 1971
A woman holds a dog near a tent with a tie-dye banner with the word "Gay" at the May Day protesters' West Potomac Park campsite, 01-03 May 1971