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Cartons of postcards, letters and signed petitions calling for an end to the war left by protesters in Lafayette Park at a rally sponsored by the Vietnam Moratorium Committee across from the White House, 15 February 1970
The ceiling of the counter-inaugural tent set up at 15th St SW and Independence Ave SW for protesters gathering against Nixon's inauguration and the Vietnam War, 19 January 1969
Charlottesville Draft Resistance
A child holds a sign condemning the "D.C. four against the poor" including Richard Nixon, Abraham Ribicoff, Wilbur Mills, and Russell Long, at the Children's March for Survival, Washington, D.C., 25 March 1972
Children and civilians watch as Vietnam veterans discard their decorations at the base of the John Marshall statue at the US Capitol during veteran demonstrations before Vietnam War Out Now, 23 April 1971
Children attending the Children's March for Survival gather around dogs wearing posters with the March logo, Washington, D.C., 25 March 1972
Children gather around dogs wearing posters with the Children's March for Survival logo during the demonstration, Washington, D.C., 25 March 1972
Children pick up and examine military decorations discarded at the base of the John Marshall statue at the US Capitol during veteran demonstrations before Vietnam War Out Now, 23 April 1971
Children study military decorations discarded at the base of the John Marshall statue at the US Capitol during veteran demonstrations before Vietnam War Out Now, 23 April 1971
Chile... one year later; support the Chilean resistance!
City and riot police load May Day arrested protesters onto police buses, 01-03 May 1971
City of Heidelberg with a view of Heidelberg Castle and the Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg, Germany
Close-up of a crowd of protesters marching on Pennsylvania Ave NW outside of Whelan's to demonstrate against Nixon's inauguration and the Vietnam War, 19 January 1969
Close-up of a crumpled certificate of honorable discharge and military records discarded at the base of the John Marshall statue at the US Capitol during veteran demonstrations before Vietnam War Out Now, 23 April 1971
Close-up of a figure of Nixon dressed as a king giving the Nazi salute at a Nixon impeachment rally on the Ellipse, 27 October 1973
Close-up of a man in a Nixon mask at a masquerade during the Vietnam Veterans Against the War demonstration, 04 July 1974
