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Anastasio Somoza Debayle Presidential election billboard in field
Billboard about Haitian American solidarity
Billboard along dirt road
Billboard celebrating 20th anniversary of Sandinistas
Billboard featuring propaganda in Cuba
Billboard juxtaposition near Seward Square SE: True cigarettes, Legal abortions ("usually under $250"), Canada Dry Bourbon ("now you can afford great Bourbon") during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
Billboard outside U.S. Interests Section
Billboard with cartoon characters outside U.S. Interests Section in Havana, Cuba
Billboard with Cuban progaganda in Havana
Billboards along road near Managua
Close-up of a billboard advertising legal abortions, usually under $250: ((212) 490-3600) Professional Scheduling Service, Inc., 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City 10017) during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
Closeup of billboard outside U.S. Interests Section in Havana. Cuba
Large billboard advertisement for a family planning clinic
Malvinas billboards
Tent and Somoza billboard in field
View of anti-capitalism billboard
View of Billboard outside of U.S. Interests Section in Havana, Cuba
