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(1 - 20 of 70)


Afro-Cuban dancers
Afro-Cubans performing in the street
Alison photographing Callejon Hamel in Havana, Cuba
Beach at Playa Girón
Billboard featuring propaganda in Cuba
Billboard outside U.S. Interests Section
Billboard propaganda
Billboard with cartoon characters outside U.S. Interests Section in Havana, Cuba
Billboard with Cuban progaganda in Havana
Castro propaganda
Close up of modern burials in Cemeterio Colon in Havana, Cuba
Close view of José Martí Memorial
Closeup of billboard outside U.S. Interests Section in Havana. Cuba
Closeup of sculpture along Callejon Hamel in Havana
Closeup of terracotta mailbox in wall in Old Havana
"Creemos en Fidel" painted on brick wall in Miramar, Cuba
Cuban boy skateboarding on Callejon Hamel in Havana, Cuba
El Capitolio in Havana, Cuba
Empty shelves in small shop in Cuba
