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Evening Bell at Ikegami/ 池上晩鐘 (Ikegami no Bansho)
Evening View of Benten Pond in Ikutama
Evening View of Kakuman-ji Temple
Evening View of Tetsugen-ji Temple/ 鉄眼寺夕景 (Tetsugen-ji yûkei)
Fujisawa: The Yugyo-ji Temple/ 藤沢遊行寺 (Fujisawa, Yugyo-ji)
Gappo-ga-tsuji Intersection at Shitenno-ji Temple
Hall of the Wisdom King Aizen at Shoman-in Temple
Horinouchi Yodobashi Mizuame/ 堀之内淀はし水飴
Ikegami-Honmon-ji Temple Eshiki/ 池上本門寺会式
Ishiyakushi: Ishiyakushi Temple/ 石薬師石薬師寺 (Ishiyakushi, Ishiyakushi-ji)
Juho-ji Temple/ 寿法寺 (Juhô-ji)
Large bell of Zōjō-ji Temple/ 増上寺大鐘
Meguro Fudō Temple Mochibana/ 目黒不動餅花
The Precincts of Shitennô-ji Temple/ 四天王寺伽藍 (Shitennô-ji garan)
Shari-ji Temple/ 舎利寺 (Shari-ji)
Shitenno-ji Temple
Taiyu-ji Temple in Kitano/ 北之大融寺 (Kitano Taiyû-ji)
The Temple of Amida Pond/ あみだ池 (Amida-ike)
The Temple of the Eguchi Courtesan/ 江口君堂 (Eguchi-no-kimi-dô)
The Temple of the Five Great Power Bodhisattvas at Sumiyoshi/ 住よし五大力 (Sumiyoshi Godairiki)
