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(81 - 100 of 226)


Kanagawa: teahouses on the Embankment/ 加奈川台の茶や (Kanagawa, dai no chaya)
Kanagawa: View over the Sea from the Teahouses on the Embankment/ 神奈川台の茶屋海上見はらし (Kanagawa, dai no chaya kaijo miharashi)
Kanagawa/ 神奈川
Kanaya: Kanaya Slope and the Oi River/ 金谷金谷坂大井川  (Kanaya, Kanaya saka, Oigawa
Kanaya: The far bank of the Oi River/ 金谷大井川遠岸 (Kanaya, Oigawa engan)
Kanaya: View of the Oi River from the Uphill Road/ 金谷坂道より大井川眺望 (Kanaya, Sakamichi yori Oigawa choobo)
Kanaya/ 金谷
Kanbara: Ferryboat on the Fuji River/ 蒲原富士川渡舟 (Kanbara, Fujikawa funawatashi)
Kanbara: Night Snow/ 蒲原夜之雪 (Kanbara, Yoru no yuki
Kanbara: Night Snow/ 蒲原夜之雪 (Kanbara, Yoru no yuki)
Kanbara: View of Fuji River from Iwabuchi Hill/ 蒲原岩淵の岡より不二河眺望 (Iwabuchi no oka yori Fujikawa chobo)
Kanbara/ 蒲原
Kawasaki: The Rokugo ferry/ 川崎六郷のわたし (Kawasaki, Rokugo no watashi)
Kawasaki: The Rokugo Ferry/ 川崎六郷渡船 (Kawasaki, Rokugo watashibune)
Kawasaki: The Rokugo Ferry/ 川崎六郷渡船 (Kawasaki, Rokugo watashibune)
Kawasaki: Tsurumi River and Namamugi Village/ 川崎鶴見川生麦の里 (Kawasaki, Tsurumigawa Namamugi no Sato)
Kawasaki/ 川崎
Kusatsu: Famous Post House/ 草津名物立場 (Kusatsu, Meibutsu tateba)
Kusatsu: From Kusatsu to Yabase, a Bow and Bowstring/ 草津草津より矢ばせは道の弓となる (Kusatsu, Kusatsu kara Yabase michi no yumi to tsuru)
