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(1 - 20 of 36)


160* Trade union leaders ask your support to end the war
Boycott Farah, don't buy farah slacks!!, support the Farah strike
Boycott grapes, boycott iceberg lettuce, boycott Safeway
Boycott lettuce
Boycott lettuce
Boycott Safeway! (and Townhouse)
D.C. Coalition of Labor Union Women and the Greater Washington Central Labor Council
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Dear Santa
Demonstrate in Washington D.C.!
Demonstrate with Workers League on Nov. 6
Don't buy iceberg lettuce, table grapes. Buy union
For a united front
Justice for Farmworkers!
Justicia! Para los trabajadores campesinos
Labor Union Press Conference Displaying Death Threats
Labor Union Press Conference Displaying Death Threats
