March on Washington 2021

March on Washington, Image 01
Drag queen KC B Yonce in front of the Humanities Truck at the event
March on Washington, Image 02
Sparkle Squad truck with disco ball and VOTE posters at event location
March on Washington, Image 03
DJ in the bed of the Sparkle Squad truck next to the disco ball
March on Washington, Image 04
Event attendee holding up "VOTE" poster
March on Washington, Image 05
Chlesea Ritter-Soronen and friend, both of Chalk Riot DC, chalking LOVE/VOTE on the sidewalk
March on Washington, Image 06
Maps Glover of DC Sparkle Squad interviewing event attendee Zeke Thomas
March on Washington, Image 07
DJ in the bed of the Sparkle Squad truck next to the disco ball
March on Washington, Image 08
Maps Glover (bottom left) posing with event attendees
March on Washington, Image 09
Kate Damon (far right) posing with event attendees in front of the Humanities Truck
March on Washington, Image 10
Project partners and collaborators in front of the Humanities Truck, L to R: unknown, Chelsea Ritter-Soronen, Lauren, Naoko Wowsugi, Justice Black, KC B Yonce, Kate Damon, Kai Walther, unknown, unknown, DJ, Pamela
March on Washington, Image 11
Chalk art of a woman and a sign that says "#chalk the vote" next to a VOTE poster of John Lewis
March on Washington, Image 12
Humanities Truck with #GoodTrouble posters and the DJ booth in the background
March on Washington, Image 13
Humanities Truck with #GoodTrouble posters parked behind a table filled with snacks, drinks, buttons, and VOTE posters
March on Washington, Image 14
Close-up of the VOTE posters and postcards, VOTE buttons, the Humanities Truck listserve sign up sheet, and snacks on a table in front of the truck