Nia's Birthday: Karen Abbott Interview, September 15, 2021 - Nia's Birthday: Karen Abbott Interview, September 15, 2021

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  • Karen Abbott
    This diorama is called Nia's birthday. And birthdays were always very special for my mother. My brother and I always had a wonderful birthday celebration. And this celebration is a little girl in her mother's kitchen. And, or maybe it's the front room. I'm not sure. But there was an ice box and also a pedal sewing machine. And her mother had made her a dress that she had laid out on the table and get the little gifts. And her father came with a present. He's standing with the present behind his back, and Nia's birthday cake is in the corner. Uncut, waiting for the guests to come. And again, the faces are just remarkable because they look like people that you know, and she drew them on, she drew the faces into the clay with a toothpick.