Amber Interview, September 17, 2020 - Amber Interview, September 17, 2020

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00:00:00.480 --> 00:00:03.870
Hi, I was invited here by
Bea Porter, my name is Amber.

00:00:05.490 --> 00:01:07.320
COVID has affected me in many
ways as it has for most of us.
The first thing being and the
thing that I think sticks out to
me the most is when it all
became really real for the world
and for the United States. I
lost my job, I had just moved to
a new city, I was kind of
starting from the ground up, and
I lost my job,.I was working
really hard, full time to be a
nanny. And to kind of get my
foot in the door in that field.
And I when it all began, I was
under the impression that I
would be actually getting more
hours and making more money. But
instead, I don't know where
overnight, I lost my job. No
warning, no nothing. So I think
that was the first time where it
really hit me how serious this

00:01:07.320 --> 00:01:26.260
I think during that time, what
kept me going was just the
support of the people around me
and the hope that I held on to
for finding answers and getting

00:01:26.000 --> 00:02:06.350
Unfortunately, I was unable to
collect any type of
unemployment. I was I was
getting no help anywhere, as so
many were. And I started losing
hope a little bit. I kind of
lost lost it for a while. And a
lot of really horrible things
not only were happening in the
world around me, but they were
happening in my world. Lost a
very close family member. Life
was just a mess for a while. So
it was hard to keep going, like
to keep on going.

00:02:07.970 --> 00:02:33.980
But after some time for grieving
and feeling sorry for myself, I,
I made it work, I found a full
time job. I moved into a new
place. And things started
feeling a little bit normal,
more normal for me, even though
nothing's normal anymore. This
is kind of our new normal.

00:02:34.740 --> 00:03:02.580
And the hope I have that we all
learn from this is how important
it is to have your own opinion
and do your own fact checking. I
mean, that's a big one. I hope
that we can come out of this
stronger, more united and more
understanding that not
everything is what it seems.

00:03:05.550 --> 00:04:32.010
And also not to take, take for
granted the life that we have
and the life that we had. Your
normal everyday things could be
gone. Even even things that you
don't necessarily think to be
thankful for and to to look at
as a blessing. I think that's a
big thing a lot of people have
learned through all of this is
that you really can't take for
granted anything. Because as a
society, everything is
constantly shifting and changing
and evolving. And I mean, this
is the effect of Coronavirus.
COVID-19 has affected everyone
so differently yet so similarly,
that I think the strongest
people will recognize that and
be able to unite and do better
for their future and the future
of their surroundings. And all I
can hope for is that enough of
us learn that that we can do
better in the future and make
things much more fluid and
united. So thank you.