David Kaib Interview

David Kaib Interview
The interview with David Kaib discusses his participation in the American University (AU) Staff Union since 2019 and their Strike in August 2022. In the interview he discusses his understanding of labor movements, his political beliefs and background as a Ph.D. in political science, and his involvement. He also discusses his role on campus conducting institutional research and the dynamics between various groups at American University. Finally, he mentions his role during the strike. David’s thoughtful perspective is incredibly informative.
David Kaib Interview Transcript
The interview with David Kaib discusses his participation in the American University (AU) Staff Union since 2019 and their Strike in August 2022. In the interview he discusses his understanding of labor movements, his political beliefs and background as a Ph.D. in political science, and his involvement. He also discusses his role on campus conducting institutional research and the dynamics between various groups at American University. Finally, he mentions his role during the strike. David’s thoughtful perspective is incredibly informative.
David Kaib Oral History
The interview with David Kaib discusses his participation in the American University (AU) Staff Union since 2019 and their Strike in August 2022. In the interview he discusses his understanding of labor movements, his political beliefs and background as a Ph.D. in political science, and his involvement. He also discusses his role on campus conducting institutional research and the dynamics between various groups at American University. Finally, he mentions his role during the strike. David’s thoughtful perspective is incredibly informative.