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Protesters at an anti-nuclear power demonstration place a protest sign that says "No nukes" on the Victory statue of the Peace Monument in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters attending the anti-nuclear demonstration and food carts lining Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters, costumed at Death and a mime, pose near the Washington Monument during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters gather around the U.S. Capitol Building holding signs reading "No nukes" and "Three Mile Island Alert Harrisburg Area" during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters, one wearing an "Official mutant" t-shirt, standing in front of a large inflatable whale balloon during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration climb the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration occupy the U.S. Capitol Grounds and the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Protesters, several of whom are wearing costumes, participating in an anti-nuclear demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Rear view of a Datsun car from North Carolina with bumper stickers reading "Split wood not atoms," "No nukes ya'll," and "I love zoo" at the anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Several demonstrators sit atop the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds while others sit around the base during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Several demonstrators stand next to the Peace statue, dressed in a t-shirt, at the Peace Monument during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Several protesters pose with the Peace statue, dressed in a t-shirt, at the Peace Monument during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Sounds of Liberation
Spring Anti-War Games, 1971
Stop police terror, help free the Houston 12
Stop the bombing! U.S. Out of Southeast Asia Now!
Sun In: Chant for peace, Rock for joy, Sing for love
Two protesters holding signs that read "Nuclear waste is unhealthy for children and other living things" and "No nukes, a bright idea" near the Washington Monument during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
U.S. out now: Stop the bombing; March to the Pentagon
Wanted for murder: "Mr." Pig
