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Demonstrators occupy the Peace Monument during an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators, one wearing an "Official mutant" t-shirt, standing in front of a large inflatable whale balloon during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration climb and sit on the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration climb the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration occupy the U.S. Capitol Grounds and the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A dog wearing a sign that reads "No nukes you kooks" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A dog wears a protest sign that reads "No nukes you kooks" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A dog wears a sign that reads "No nukes you kooks" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Free our sisters, free our brothers, free ourselves
Get Nixon! ...Before he gets you.
A group of anti-nuclear demonstrators stand around a man holding a sign that reads "Stick it up ur-anium" on the U.S. Capitol Grounds in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Houston 12 Support Committee
An inflatable whale balloon displays a protest sign that reads "Flukes against nukes" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A large crowd of protesters occupies the National Mall near the U.S. Capitol Building during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A large crowd of protesters sits atop the Cavalry Charge statue of the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A large inflatable whale balloon displaying a protest sign that reads "Flukes against nukes" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A large inflatable whale balloon displays a sign that reads "Flukes against nukes" at an anti-nuclear power demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
The majority is not silent. The administration is deaf.
A male and female protester photographed at an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A male demonstrator holds a sign that says "No nukes are good nukes" while sitting atop the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
