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A costumed man and woman wearing "Human error" shirts standing behind the merchandise table at the anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A costumed man wearing a "Human error" shirt holds a bumper sticker that reads "Honk if you have fission" at the anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A costumed man wearing a "Human error" shirt holds a bumper sticker that reads "Honk if you have fission" behind the merchandise table at the anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A costumed protester, dressed as Death, poses among fellow anti-nuclear power demonstration attendees on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A crowd of anti-nuclear demonstrators gathers around the Washington Monument on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A crowd of anti-nuclear power demonstrators on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A crowd of anti-nuclear power demonstrators on the National Mall, one holding a sign depicting a gas mask and asking "Is this the American way?" in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A crowd of demonstrators march down Pennsylvania Avenue during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator attending the anti-nuclear power demonstration rides a unicycle through crowds of people in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator dances in front of three police officers during an anti-nuclear power protest in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator dressed as Uncle Sam holds a sign that says "Let my people live" while participating in an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator holds a sign that reads "No nukes are good nukes" while sitting atop the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator holds a sign that says "No nukes are good nukes" while sitting atop the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial on the U.S. Capitol Grounds during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator, wearing a papier-mâché mask, participates in an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
A demonstrator, wearing a papier-mâché mask, stands among a crowd of participants during an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators at an anti-nuclear power protest, one holding a sign that says "Stick it up ur-anium" on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators at an anti-nuclear power protest place a protest sign that says "No nukes" on the Victory statue of the Peace Monument in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators attending the anti-nuclear protest and food carts lining Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators attending the anti-nuclear protest and food carts lining up along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
Demonstrators, from the University of Delaware, at an anti-nuclear power protest hold a sign that says "Get down don't melt down. High mom send $$" on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 06 May 1979
