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Children carrying a bucket through urban slums in the Población Colo Colo, Nueva Palena, Chile
First Lady Hillary Clinton conversing with event attendees at the opening of the Internado Centro Cultural Mapuche in Temuco, Chile
First Lady Hillary Clinton speaking at the closing ceremony of the Peace Corps in Chile, Santiago, Chile
A Mapuche woman and man standing with their oxen and cart, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Amanda Herrera walking hand-in-hand with a group of Mapuche children going to the opening of the Internado Centro Cultural Mapuche, Temuco, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Barbara Honer dances with Mapuche villagers, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Bertram Millhouse stands with a group of people at the Universidad Técnica del Estado in Santiago, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Bill Davis does a Mapuche dance with his neighbors, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Bill Egan with friends at  Población Colo Colo, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Bob Laine helping a student with arithmetic, San Fernando, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Brian Loveman goes over site plans with members of the town committee selected to direct the relocation project, Trovolhue, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Chuck Lewis  helps community members repair a well, near Temuco, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Clare Palmer holds a puppy and poses with a woman holding a baby, Toconao, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Brigham demonstrates first aid bandaging, Santiago, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Fisk (center) going over plans for new houses with the Junta de Vecinos at Población Colo Colo, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave St. John, left, working a cinva ram machine with fellow workers at Población Jose Maria Caro, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Denny Darrympele instructs a población resident in weight lifting, Santiago, Chile
