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Peace Corps Volunteer Chuck Lewis  helps community members repair a well, near Temuco, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Clare Palmer holds a puppy and poses with a woman holding a baby, Toconao, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Brigham demonstrates first aid bandaging, Santiago, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Fisk (center) going over plans for new houses with the Junta de Vecinos at Población Colo Colo, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dave St. John, left, working a cinva ram machine with fellow workers at Población Jose Maria Caro, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Denny Darrympele instructs a población resident in weight lifting, Santiago, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Dick Powell talks with an expert in rabbit farming at an Angora rabbit cooperative, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Don Cameron and local villagers carrying plants down a dirt road in Temuco, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Emery Panosh practices with the band that he helped restart after a 1960 earthquake, Valdivia, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer engineer Phil Burgi surveying road into new Trovolhue town, Trovolhue, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Frank Nuchi, left, with a colleague from INACAP designing a new improved hydraulic press, Nueva Palena, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Fred Stoffel lecturing a class on electricity at the Universidad Técnica del Estado in Temuco, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Gage Skinner in traditional dress sitting with Mapuche peoples, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Gail Bakken Goodhue displays Mapuche weavings and handicrafts at a conference, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Gail Bakken Goodhue leads a meeting with Mapuche weavers, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Gaye Gilbert talks with a local man, near Quepe, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Helen Freeman Miller helping a child read music at a community orchestra practice, Valparaiso, Chile
Peace Corps Volunteer Jack Marcus helps community members skin a sheep in preparation for a wedding celebration, San Vicente, Chile
