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160* Trade union leaders ask your support to end the war
Abolish the draft
Anti War Union
Black Students! Bring all our black brothers home now
Boycott savings bonds
Charlottesville Draft Resistance
Come to Washington, Los Angeles, Seattle, April 29 with SDS; Celebrate May Day; Stop the racist bombings!; All racism must go!
Emergency nationwide Moratorium May 4
End the slaughter in Indochina, end the draft
Endraft, back in your community
Federal Employees for Peace
Federal employees peace referendum ballot
Federal employees vigil for peace on the Capitol steps
G.I. Conference Forum Toward Action at American University
High school men!
Honor his memory: Stop the war now!
In memoriam, 65 per cent of our Vietnam deaths were draftees. We honor their memory today.
Join the march on Washington April 24
The majority is not silent. The administration is deaf.
