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(61 - 80 of 207)


Close-up of ram's horns behind a zoo enclosure
Close-up of rhinoceros' eye
Close-up of rhinoceros' legs in a zoo enclosure
Close-up of rhinoceros' nose in a zoo enclosure
Close-up of seal's head at a zoo
Close-up of snake on a log in a zoo enclosure
Close-up of snake's head in a zoo enclosure
Close-up of tiger paws in a zoo enclosure
Coiled snake in a zoo enclosure
Crocodile and reflection in pond in a zoo
Crocodile in a pool of water in a zoo enclosure
Crocodile sitting near pond in a zoo
Crocodile sitting on rocks in a zoo enclosure
Crocodile sticking out of pool of water in a zoo enclosure
Curled trunk of an elephant in a zoo enclosure
Eating elephant in a zoo enclosure
Elephant in a pool of water in a zoo
Elephant laying on ground in a zoo
Elephant standing near trees in a zoo
Elephant's head in profile in a zoo
