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Action shot of Chinese athletes playing table tennis
Action shot of Chinese athletes playing table tennis for a crowd of spectators
Action shot of Chinese table tennis athletes playing in a match
Action shot of member of Chinese table tennis team at match in New York City
Aerial view of Chinese table tennis team athletes practicing in the arena at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
American and Chinese table tennis players standing at foot of Statue of Liberty in New York harbor
American and Chinese table tennis teams posing in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor
American girls presenting flowers to the female Chinese table tennis team players after match in New York City
American table tennis delegate posing with two delegates from the Chinese table tennis team
Audience at dance performance at City Center in New York City
Audience members watching performance at reception for Chinese table tennis delegation in Washington, D.C.
Back view of the American and Chinese table tennis teams at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Backs of members of the Chinese table tennis delegation at match in New York City
Candid photograph of members of the Chinese and American table tennis teams talking
Candid photograph of members of the Chinese table tennis team delegation standing together at Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia
Candid photograph of two members of the Chinese table tennis team talking
Ch'en Pao-ching and Hu Kwi-hain standing with stage equipment behind them at match in New York City
Cheng Min-chin and Lin Hsiu-ying of the Chinese women's table tennis team
Children and Chinese delegation members sitting in auditorium in P.S. 75 in New York City
Children from P.S. 75 in New York City giving roses to members of the Chinese table tennis team
