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Come to Washington, Los Angeles, Seattle, April 29 with SDS; Celebrate May Day; Stop the racist bombings!; All racism must go!
The D.C. four against the poor: Richard Nixon, Abraham Ribicoff, Wilbur Mills, Russell Long; Stop these men!
Demand your rights; March on Washington
Free the San Quentin 6
Gay freedom Austin '71
May 5 National Moratorium: National College and High School Moratorium in commemoration of Kent State, Jackson State and Augusta & demanding total, immediate withdrawal from Southeast Asia
May Day! Washington May 1-7
Out of Southeast Asia Now! Join the SMC
Sisters! Come to discuss the Mayday women's outline for the fall women's action
Spring Anti-War Games, 1971
Stop the bombing! U.S. Out of Southeast Asia Now!
Women support women
Would you be more careful if it was you who got pregnant?
You don't have to be Vietnamese to smell a rat. Come crown King Dick!