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A close-up of hat resting on a chair while Rachel Teter paints the base coat on new library in El Plátano, Panama
Close-up of Rachel Teter and a boy painting part of the library's mural, El Plátano, Panama
A close-up of Rachel Teter painting the base coat on the new community library, El Plátano, Panama
A close-up of Rachel Teter smiling while painting the base coat in the new library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and a boy paint images of tropical plants for the library mural , El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and a boy paint images of tropical plants on the library mural, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and a boy work on the mural while other children play cards at the library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and a man and woman pose in front of the community library mural,  El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and another volunteer work on the mural at the new library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and other volunteers painting a mural at the community library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and others hold a sign thanking donors for contributing to the new library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and others hold a thank you sign for donors contributing to the new library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and others paint a mural at the new library in El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and others work on a section of the mural at the new library in El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and others work on the mural at the library in El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and volunteers work on a mural section at the new library in El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and volunteers work together to paint a mural at the new library, El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter and young boy lean over a woman's shoulder at the library in El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter helps paint the mural at the community library,  El Plátano, Panama
Rachel Teter helps paint the mural at the new library, El Plátano, Panama
