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Balo trees used as living fence in El Plátano, Panama
Barbwire fence in hillside landscape with dense foliage, El Plátano, Panama
A boy stands behind a fence while Rachel Teter tours El Plátano, Panama
A building in Nueva Esperanza, Panama
Cattle graze on a hillside, El Plátano, Panama
Close-up of a woman looking out a window of a Peace Corps Volunteer's house in Barrigón, Panama
Close-up of foliage near the Rachel Teter's home in El Plátano, Panama
A close-up of three horses in a field seen while Rachel Teter toured El Plátano, Panama
Cow grazing on a hillside, El Plátano, Panama
A cow walking by an outhouse, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Dirt road leaving Nueva Esperanza, Panama
A dog stands on a hill while Rachel Teter tours El Plátano, Panama
A dog walks across a hill while Rachel Teter tours El Plátano, Panama
Fence and forest in El Plátano, Panama
Foliage near the home Rachel Teter's home in El Plátano, Panama
A friend poses with Rachel Teter's neighbor's children, El Plátano, Panama
A group chats on a path through the woods in Bocas del Toro, Panama
A hammock hangs from the porch of a Peace Corps Volunteer house in Barrigón, Panama
A hillside with livestock overlooking the road into town, El Plátano, Panama
A horse loaded with goods waits on the road to town in Panama Este, Panama
