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(1 - 20 of 435)


The Goldbergs and Joyce Jordan, M.D. (June 7, 1944)
CBS Covers the D-Day Invasion (5:52 - 6:22 AM)
The Cavalcade of America: "Young Thomas Jefferson"
The Cavalcade of America: "Yellow Jack"
The Cavalcade of America: "Yankee From Olympus"
The Cavalcade of America: "Witness For The People"
The Cavalcade of America: "Sara Josepha Hale"
FDR Declaration of War (Reel 1)
The Cavalcade of America: "What Price Freedom"
The Cavalcade of America: "What Makes A Hero"
The Cavalcade of America: "Westward The Women"
The Cavalcade of America: "Weather is a Weapon"
The Cavalcade of America: "Weapon 4-H"
The Cavalcade of America: "Waters of the Wilderness"
The Cavalcade of America: "Washington and The Traitor"
The Cavalcade of America: "War Come to Doctor Morgan"
The Cavalcade of America: "Valley Forge"
Amos 'n' Andy (Program 360)
The Cavalcade of America: "Valley Forge"
The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth (Reel 1)
