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Alternate view of a kneeling figure of Nixon flipping off the crowd while a figure of Kissinger mimes embarrassment at a masquerade near the Lincoln Memorial during the Vietnam Veterans Against the War demonstration, 04 July 1974
American flag partially covered with "Impeach Nixon" and contact information for the Committee to Impeach the President, at a Nixon impeachment rally, 27 October 1973
Attica Brigade
A banner reading "Nixon Out Now" is displayed on the Ellipse, with a clear view of the White House in the background, 27 October 1973
Close-up of a figure of Nixon dressed as a king giving the Nazi salute at a Nixon impeachment rally on the Ellipse, 27 October 1973
Close-up of a man in a Nixon mask at a masquerade during the Vietnam Veterans Against the War demonstration, 04 July 1974
Close-up of "King" Nixon shaded by his attendant at an impeach Nixon rally, 27 October 1973
Close-up of man in costume as "King" Nixon at an impeach Nixon rally, 27 October 1973
Close-up view of men wearing Nixon masks and crowns dressed as a monarch and jailbird, address the crowd at an impeach Nixon rally on the Ellipse, 27 October 1973
A demonstrator carrying a toddler on his back, with the sign "Impeach Nixon" attached to the baby carrier during a Nixon impeachment rally, 27 October 1973
Demonstrators in a mock prison cell demonstrating for the impeachment of Nixon in front of the Lincoln Memorial ("For war crimes not for Watergate") during the Vietnam Veterans Against the War event, 04 July 1974
