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(41 - 60 of 103)


Lumber Market at the Nagahori Canal
Main Shrine of Sumiyoshi/ 住吉本社 (Sumiyoshi Honsha)
Masui Well at Tenno-ji Temple/ 天王寺増井 (Tennô-ji Masui)
Matsuya Draper’s Shop
Mishima-e/ 三嶋江
The Mitsui Draper’s Shop/ 三井呉服店 (Mitsui Gofuku-ten)
Moon-viewing at Kawasaki Ferry/ 川崎ノ渡シ月見景 (Kawasaki no watashi tsukimi kei)
Moon-Viewing at the Saisho-an Restaurant/ 西照庵月見景 (Saishô-an tsukimi kei)
Myoken Temple Embankment in the North
Nagara Mitsugashira/ 長柄三頭
The Nakamichi Highway in the Juso Area
Night Snow at the Ukamuse Restaurant in Masui
Night View of the Octopus Pine
Okachi-yama Mound/ 御勝山 (Okachi-yama)
Peach Blossoms in Bloom at Nonaka Kannon Temple/ 野中観音桃華盛り (Nonaka Kannon momohana sakari)
Peonies in Full Bloom in the Garden of Kichisuke/ 吉助牡丹盛り (Kichisuke botan sakari)
The Pine Tree of Priest Rennyo at Morinomiya
Pine Tree Point
The Pine Trees of the Reversed Oars in Fukushima
The Precincts of Shitennô-ji Temple/ 四天王寺伽藍 (Shitennô-ji garan)
