Alan Seto, Oral History, Lunar New Year, February 11, 2024

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  • Ellie
    Okay, so today is February 11th and we are here for the Chinese New Year Parade. My name's Ellie, can you please introduce yourself?
  • Alan Seto
    My name is Alan Seto.
  • Ellie
    Are you from Chinatown or did you come from somewhere else?
  • Alan Seto
    I grew up in Chinatown.
  • Ellie
    Can you talk about that experience growing up? What are your thoughts about Chinatown?
  • Alan Seto
    I guess so.
  • Ellie
    Do you see the feelings that you have about this place?
  • Alan Seto
    OK. Chinatown has changed since I left. So I left maybe 55 years ago, because I'm 75. What it is, is Chinatown only has 300 people left. When I was in Chinatown, they had over a thousand. If you look on I Street, the houses are boarded up or whatever. No one lives there. But when I was growing up it was all Chinese.
  • Ellie
    Do you have any thoughts about that?
  • Alan Seto
    Well they're looking for somebody who has some money to renovate it because they can't tear them down because historically they got to maintain the front.
  • Ellie
    So why did you decide to come to the parade today?
  • Alan Seto
    The reason why I came to the parade today is because I'm part of the Consolidated Benevolent Association and I'm also part of CYC, Chinese Youth Club.
  • Ellie
    Did you help plan an organized parade today?
  • Alan Seto
  • Ellie
    So you're here to support them.
  • Alan Seto
    Yeah, I have to come down here to vote and also participate playing basketball, volleyball.
  • Ellie
    How do you normally celebrate in the community?
  • Alan Seto
    With my in-laws. My parents have passed so we I don't have them to celebrate with.
  • Ellie
    So what do you guys usually do for tradition?
  • Alan Seto
    Well we go out to eat and we meet and just talk about it not a whole lot.
  • Ellie
    Have you attended the Lunar New Year parade for the past previous year, like every year?
  • Alan Seto
    I basically come down every year.
  • Ellie
    What are some changes that you've noticed throughout the years with the parade?
  • Alan Seto
    The parade has grown. When it first started, there was hardly anybody. And now, all of a sudden, it's too big.
  • Ellie
    Too big? OK. What does the year of the dragon mean to you?
  • Alan Seto
    The year of the dragon?
  • Ellie
  • Alan Seto
    What it means is that this year is going to be, there's more, They're going to have more fun or whatever. I'm not too sure. I'm born a year of the rat.
  • Ellie
    Oh, what does the year of the rat mean? Like, what does that represent?
  • Alan Seto
    Well, I'm not sure.
  • Ellie
    That's OK. That's OK. Last question. What are some of your hopes for the new year?
  • Alan Seto
    What are my hopes for the new year? What I'm doing is looking for kids that can play basketball and volleyball.
  • Ellie
    You're trying to train the next generation, yeah?
  • Alan Seto
  • Ellie
    That's a good goal.
  • Ellie
    Yeah, of course.
  • Alan Seto
    Thank you