Flex Matthews, Oral History, Celebrate Petworth, November 18, 2023

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  • Flex Matthews
    Let him stay there.
  • Inaya Rivera
    All right. Perfect. Today is Saturday, November 18th. (Flex Matthews: Okay) 2023. Could you please tell me your name?
  • Flex Matthews
    My name is Flex Matthews. My mama calls me Pumpkin, but my government name is Dathan Harbor.
  • Inaya Rivera
    Perfect. Do I have permission to record this interview?
  • Flex Matthews
    Yes, ma'am.
  • Inaya Rivera
    Awesome. In your experience, how has Petworth changed over the years?
  • Flex Matthews
    How has it changed over the years? Geez, I would say, can I be honest? (Inaya Rivera: Yes, please). I mean, just being able to walk around and like, it's a lot safer. You know, I ain't gonna hold you, right? Like, maybe I'm like too comfortable now, but definitely like, I don't watch my back as much. You know what I'm saying? As opposed to once upon a time, I'm like, I used to have like, if you lived in DC long enough, you would have your ways. Like streets you would walk down to get to where you were going. Like, I'm not going down that street. I'm not going down that street. Now I just walk down any street. You know, and there's something interesting because, you know, I've been here for so long that there's streets that I just never walked down because I'm like, eh, that's shady. That's a shady street. That's a shady block. Now I'll just be walking down random blocks. I'm like, what's down here? I've never walked down here. Let's go. You know what I'm saying? So that's cool, to be-to do urban exploring, if that's a thing. But yeah, I find myself walking down just random streets and finding houses. I didn't know this house was back here. Like if you go a couple blocks up the way, like where do these big houses come from? How long they been here? They been here because you wasn't walking down the street. You know what I'm saying? So, it's a lot safer for sure, for sure. A lot safer. Different types of restaurants, different types of music being played, you know. It's interesting because my homie was like, you know, gentrification is a thing. My homie's like, yo, I like gentrification. I'm like, huh? Make it make sense, bruh. But when gentrification happens, more venues come. More places to play music. I was like, yeah, I hear you, but, I don't know, dog. So like, I don't know the conversations that happen, the wider range of people that I meet, different ethnicities that I meet. So there's definitely a lot more ethnicity around Petworth. That's how it's changed for sure. So just being able to walk where I want to walk without just having to watch my back and just being able to bump into all kinds of random people. You know, cause, listen, Georgia Avenue, I love it, but it used to be all Black people...(audio stops).