Donna Rose Interview, June 24, 2023

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  • Dan Kerr
    Okay, today is Saturday, June 24th. We are at Columbia Heights Festival. I'm Dan Kerr, could you tell us both of your names?
  • Rose Donna
    My name is Rose Donna and this is Calliope McGovern.
  • Dan Kerr
    Thank you. And could you tell us about your connection to the neighborhood, Rose?
  • Rose Donna
    Sure. In 2004, my husband Matthew and I opened the Wonderland Ballroom, and we met many new neighbors, and we met Sergio Herrera and Iris Chavez and they were the first originators of Columbia Heights Day. They actually were—started talking about it in the Wonderland over a beer, and lo and behold we had the first festival. I think that was 2007 or 2008, I can't remember. Anyway, it was a great turnout. One of my favorite memories is we had a petting zoo and one of the sheep escaped and started running around, knocking over some of the vendors' tents and stuff, and everyone started chasing it. The kids thought It was on purpose and it was a game, and everyone was laughing, and we finally caught the sheep and it was a great time.
  • Dan Kerr
    That sounds terrific, wow. And so, when you first arrived, you opened up your business, how did you decide to set up your business where you did?
  • Rose Donna
    Well, we had a friend who lived over on 10th Street and said, "hey, there's a building for sale. You and Matthew should go look at it," and lo and behold, it was— we turned it into the Wonderland.
  • Dan Kerr
    Oh, that's terrific. And had you wanted to do something like that before? How did that—?
  • Rose Donna
    We had talked about it, but I didn't think we were serious. And we met the former owner—it was called Nob Hill—Mr. Kelly, who still lives on 13th Street, and he said he was just ready to retire, and unfortunately, the Nob Hill had been closed for like three months, and so we reopened it.
  • Dan Kerr
    Okay, and then just renamed it?
  • Rose Donna
    Uh huh.
  • Dan Kerr
    Okay, and what was your vision for the Wonderland when you started?
  • Rose Donna
    Our vision for the Wonderland was a neighborhood bar, a bar where anyone could come with friends, by yourself; sit at the bar, read a book, meet new friends, live music, having the ability— a space for local artists, musicians to perform, comedians, trivia. And then, also a space where local groups could have fundraisers or different events.
  • Dan Kerr
    Terrific. So to be really a part of the whole community, then, as a gathering space?
  • Rose Donna
  • Dan Kerr
    That's terrific. How would you say— has the neighborhood changed significantly from when you first opened Wonderland to now?
  • Rose Donna
    It certainly has. Mostly positive, you know, there's always good and bad with growth. But I would say mostly it's been a great, positive change with the new small businesses on the street, and all the new neighbors, and the old neighbors, and it's really become a great community.
  • Dan Kerr
    That's terrific. And so you said there's kind of positive and negative. What would you see as some of the negatives?
  • Rose Donna
    Well, I mean, the gentrification issues have— are somewhat of a problem. And also, I think really the biggest problem is the rise in costs. So it's making it a little bit more difficult for people to move into the neighborhood.
  • Dan Kerr
    Mm-hmm. Do you have a vision for where you would like the neighborhood to be in the future?
  • Rose Donna
    Yes. In the future, I would love my granddaughter to be able to grow up here, make friends, and be part of this community as well. So I hope the future keeps all of these families here for next generations.
  • Dan Kerr
    Any last thoughts you'd like to share with us about Columbia Heights?
  • Rose Donna
    It's just amazing what Columbia Heights Day has grown into and all the hard work that the volunteers have done to really make it so much bigger. And also groups like District Bridges, who've really helped the small businesses grow, so we're really grateful for them.
  • Dan Kerr
    Fantastic. All right, well thank you so much for your time, I appreciate it. And thank you [Calliope] for joining us as well.
  • Rose Donna