Oludae Byrd Interview, October 16, 2021

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  • Dan Kerr
    Okay, could you tell us your name?
  • Oludae Byrd
    My name is Oludae.
  • Dan Kerr
    Hi, Oludae. Would you mind telling us about your poster?
  • Oludae Byrd
    So this poster here is for Chinatown and I added the symbol from the original artwork, that represents the person, and I made that from the DC flags. And then I added a Chinese dragon and the lanterns here and it's just supposed to represent how all the people in DC can come together.
  • Dan Kerr
    Oh that's fantastic. And did you guys just happen upon the event today, or?
  • Oludae Byrd
    Yes, we're actually just coming to the library to return some books, and get some new ones, and we saw it. And I really love what was happening. So I wanted to participate.
  • Dan Kerr
    Oh, that's fantastic. So could you tell me a little bit about what your thoughts are about, Chinatown in DC? And what you think about?
  • Oludae Byrd
    I always loved Chinatown. I grew up here in DC. So I always like Chinatown and I think it's great that we are able to have another culture in DC since DC has all types of different cultures together.
  • Dan Kerr
    And let's see. Really quickly, I have another question. When you do come down to Chinatown, what are your favorite things to do?
  • Oludae Byrd
    I love the food. I really do love food in Chinatown. I also like to come to the library and just to do all types of different places. I remember the bridge up and I like the crosswalk with all the different Chinese, New Years.
  • Dan Kerr
    That's fantastic. And would you say you come here fairly often?
  • Oludae Byrd
    I come here, occasionally I came here less often, usually, but I used to come over a lot more.
  • Dan Kerr
    Anything else you'd like to share with us today?
  • Oludae Byrd
    No, thank you.
  • Dan Kerr
    Alright. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time.
  • Oludae Byrd
    Thank you.