Tres McMichael Interview, September 18, 2021

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  • Angie Whitehurst
    My name is Angie Whitehurst and your name is...
  • Tres McMichael
    My name is Trey McMichael.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    I'm going to ask you a question. Everyone has something they have worked on in their life. What is something valuable to you that you have contributed that you can share with us when thinking about the work you have done in your life. What are you proud of?
  • Tres McMichael
    So if I'm thinking of right now in this moment, it's the work that we just did today. And so today we are in our last weekend of Working in DC which has been a beautiful collaborative theater making magic effort over the last few months. And in this project I've served as the Director of Social Accountability and Partnerships and one of the producers for the show since I've been with the show since the very beginning all the way to right now. And so, for me, it's beautiful that they talk about, you know, this all started off as just an idea. What would it be like to do this show about working class people in front of the AFL-CIO building at Black Lives Matter Plaza, and have people come? And we took that idea and then to be here, where people are coming and seeing the show and selling out the show and standing at the end and clapping and applauding. I'm proud to have been a part of that. I'm proud to have been a part of the start of something that people are want to see. More of the people are enjoying. The people are proud to be a part of. Theater has been dark for the last year and a half because of the pandemic and this is my first project coming out of that. And so over the last over the last year. I've thought a lot about people who you know, are working essential workers, people who are at home working, stay at home parents, and so, this feels like the most appropriate, timely, and beautiful show to be doing right now. When I was in sixth grade, I did Working. It was my first musical that I did when I was in Middle School and the show is followed me over my life. When I was in college, I did the show. And I was an assistant choreographer. And so, to be with arts makers, theater makers, people who are rolling costumes around set pieces around, that's a part of it. That's a part of this work. It's not destructive. It's beautiful, its the flow, it's the magic. It's the understanding that, there are different people who are part of this project. And so in my position, not just focusing on people who are on the stage, but the people who are off the stage too. How can we make theater matter to more people? How can more people matter to theater? So that's what this position that we created was. It's all sort of made up but it's intentional. It's aligned with what our values are, its aligned with the work that we love to do. For us the the goal of this project, the goal of everything we're doing with working to make sure that joy is exsisitng to make sure that there are people who are experiencing joy, that we are centering joy, and the way that we're creating the project and the way that we're producing the project, and if that is happening for for everyone, that was a part of this that we were successful. It's not about getting the Tony award. It's not about getting a Helen Hayes getting the best reviews in the paper, it's about how can we create theater that is producing joy, that is success and based off of how I talked with other people I think it was successful.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    It was very successful. [inaudible]
  • Tres McMichael
    they're absolutely yeah.
  • Angie Whitehurst
  • Tres McMichael
    Yeah. It is beautiful and it's it's an honor to make part to make art that people feel, art that people love, that people connect with, it's an honor to do that.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Are you an artist?
  • Tres McMichael
    I am an artist. I am a singer, dancer, actor, I play the saxophones. I am an artist. I grew up being in the arts my entire life, but I went to school for the arts, and I still consider myself an artist. I'm an artist who has my art-making but also wants to make other people, Make sure that other people make sure that arts matters to everyone.
  • Angie Whitehurst
  • Tres McMichael
    Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah. My favorite song. My favorite song to play on the saxophone is My Funny Valentine. Yeah, it's beautiful jazz ballad. II'll sing a little bit. It's anybody else recording? My Funny. Valentine sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart. Looks all are laughable photograph aboard. Yet, you're my favorite work of all. Is your figure less than Greek is your mouth. A little weak. When you open it to speak? Are you small? But don't change a hair for me. Now. If you care for me, stay Little Valentine stay. Each day Valentine's Day. Thank you. Thank you.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Thank you for this interview.
  • Tres McMicheal
    You're welcome. Thank you.