Church Choir: Karen Abbott Interview, September 15, 2021

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  • Karen Abbott
    And this is a favorite of my mother's. This is the church, the choir. Her girlfriend, my godmother, was the the—what do you call, the choir director. And she played the piano. And it looks like she would always just throw her purse on the floor. There's a little purse there. And she would sit down at the piano and she would just start playing the piano and the choir would start singing. And this particular scene, she's, the minister's on the pulpit. And, they're singing the praises.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    What church was that?
  • Karen Abbott
    This was probably Brentwood AME Zion Church. In Brentwood, Maryland. But we spent a lot of time in church. A lot of time. As a matter of fact, she made the robes. She made all the robes, the choir robes for the children's choir and the adult choir. My mother is very talented. I got none of her talent, but that's okay. They look too, too dirty. I don't know what you can save.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    It's okay, because they can be conserved.
  • Karen Abbott
    It should be covered enough.