Classroom: Karen Abbott Interview, October 19, 2021

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  • Karen Abbott
    This was one of her favorites because she taught school. I think she was a—she wasn't, she was in still in school—but so she wasn't a full teacher. But she did have classes with kids and she talked about how bad they were. And so, this is from her memory of being in the classroom. I think her teacher's name, the teacher's name, is Mrs. Day. That was the actual name of one of her teachers. So this is a kid. She always talked about the little boy turned around in his seat. She said that he was the worst. I think there's one girl and the rest are boys. You see the stove? The potbelly stove for heat. And she's got the book. She made most of the items that you see. The little accoutrements, I guess we call them.
  • Dan Kerr
    Do you know where the school may have been located?
  • Karen Abbott
    She went to Stevens Elementary School when she was a child. She attended Stevens. It's no longer a school. What is it now? It's still on 23rd. It's in, it's in Georgetown. I guess I still consider Georgetown. She grew up in Georgetown that on 22nd and N and I think the school was a 23rd on 23rd and something, I don't know. It's still there.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Stevens Elementary, the one that Amy Carter—
  • Karen Abbott
    Amy Carter went to Stevens.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    It's right off of K Street. They renovated it.
  • Karen Abbott
    It's now like an office building or something. But that's—it's a historical landmark, yes. She went to Stevens, she went to Francis and she went to Armstrong. And DC minor Teacher's College. Who's wearing the dunce hat right here? Is anyone wearing the dunce hat, or is it just sitting there? Was that the flag? What is it?
  • Dan Kerr
    That's the flag right there.
  • Karen Abbott
    But yeah, yeah. Children are nothing like they are now. You had to go into the cloakroom and stand all alone. How horrible?
  • Dan Kerr
    Okay. Thank you.
  • Karen Abbott
    You're welcome.