Interview with Charley Conrad, September 18, 2021

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  • Angie Whitehurst
    My name is Angie Whitehurst and your name is...
  • Charlie Conrad
    Charlie Conrad
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Nice to meet you Charlie.
  • Charlie Conrad
    Thank you.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    The question we're going to ask is everyone has worked in their life and what has been of value to you?
  • Charlie Conrad
    Well, I think probably the thing that is was instilled in me at an early age by, my father, was to have a strong work ethic. Is to, to show up to your job, on time, to do your job, and to do the job to the best of your ability. And I did that when I was carrying newspapers, as a kid, when I was washing dishes in a restaurant in high school, but then when I joined the Navy, you know, I carried that on as well. And I had a 20 year navy career where, you know, you had to suit up and show up every day and do your job. I was on five different ships and sailed all around the world and it was quite a remarkable feeling, but also, I was able to have a federal career, which same type of thing. I felt that was carrying on, you know, a service to my country as a federal employee and I worked on the naval base in Norfolk for the Department of the Navy in the Department of Defense and I was member of the local AFGE union when I was a federal employee down there. So those type of things. But, you know, the proudest thing I am is my son. I basically got to raise my son, as a single father and to see him grow up to the fine man that he is today, you know, it's been the greatest joy of my life because I'm so proud of him. You know, I'm always been proud to be Matthew Conrad's dad.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Thats great.
  • Charlie Conrad
    Thank you. Is there anything else you'd like to share?
  • Angie Whitehurst
    I think that's it. That's fascinating, spending 20 years in the navy, five ships.
  • Charlie Conrad
    Rough Seas.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Rough seas okay, and how often did you get home?
  • Charlie Conrad
    Well, I mean we would go out for six months and then we'd come back usually for 8 months before we deploy again, and usually I was over in the Mediterranean. The first five years I was in the Navy, I was on three different ships and then I got stationed out in Hawaii for Shore Duty for three years. And I used while I was out there, use the Navy's tuition aid and help me get to the University of Hawaii. So without the without the Navy, I would have never got my bachelor's degree from the University of Hawaii. So that was, I was proud of that making that accomplishment as well.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    [inaudible] Thank you for sharing.
  • Charlie Conrad
    You're welcome.