Virginia Diamond Interview, September 18, 2021

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  • Angie Whitehurst
    Hi, my name is Angie Whitehurst. And your name is?
  • Virginia Diamond
    My name is Virginia Diamond.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Nice to meet you, Virginia.
  • Virginia Diamond
    Nice to meet you, Angie.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    Our question for the day is, everyone has something they have worked on in their life. What is something valuable you have contributed to and can share with others? When thinking about the work you have done in your life thus far, what are you proud of? What can you point to?
  • Virginia Diamond
    Well, I was a union organizer for the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in Southwestern Virginia. And there were women working in a garment factory, that felt that they didn't have a voice on the job. They weren't getting good pay and benefits. And so I visited them one by one in their homes, and I'd talk to them about how they could change their lives by forming a union. So, we had an organizing committee and they all came together and they became much stronger and much more confident because they were able to form a union. They were able to sit down across the table with the boss and you know, say what their needs were and be respected and heard. And so I'm really proud of the organizing the work that I've done. I like the fact that workers feel that they are treated with dignity and respect and that makes me feel good because I think every human being Is entitled to that.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    I do too, I agree with you, that we're all human. Thank you so much.
  • Virginia Diamond
    Thank you. I appreciate it, Angie and thank you for the work you're doing here. You're amazing. Thank you.