Interview with Rochester Brown, September 25, 2021

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  • Morgan Carroll
    Hi. My name is Morgan, and your name is?
  • Rochester Brown
    Hi, Rochester Brown.
  • Morgan Carroll
    Nice to meet you.
  • Rochester Brown
  • Morgan Carroll
    So could you tell me your? Well, you already know your name, could you tell me a little bit about your relationship with the neighborhood of Petworth.
  • Rochester Brown
    Well, I live on Shepherd Street, the 900 block. We are probably the eighth eldest family of the eldest in the neighborhood. And now we have so many new neighbors. Our eldest, in the neighborhood was a hundred and three. And 80 and 90 and it's dwindling down from there.
  • Morgan Carroll
    Yeah, looking back, what have been some memorable celebrations in the neighborhood?
  • Morgan Carroll
    Block parties, small birthday parties, small gatherings birthdays for the seniors, especially. Barbecues and welcoming the new neighbors.
  • Morgan Carroll
    Has the way you celebrate or other people celebrated in Petworth changed over time?
  • Rochester Brown
    Yes, it has. There are some who want to be neighbors and some who don't. So they're kind of leery about how to celebrate or if they want to extend themselves.
  • Morgan Carroll
    In ten years, what do you want celebration in Petworth to look like?
  • Rochester Brown
    More blocks, more people, and without mess,
  • Morgan Carroll
    Do you have anything else you want to add? Any other insights.
  • Rochester Brown
    I'd like everyone to stay safe. Be responsible for themselves. Look out for their neighbors and their loved ones and stop BSing with this Health crisis.
  • Morgan Carroll
    Thank you so much!
  • Rochester Brown
    Thank you Morgan. It's been a pleasure.
  • Morgan Carroll
    Nice to meet you.
  • Rochester Brown