Interview with Karen Abbott, September 15, 2021

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  • Dan Kerr
    Could you tell me your name?
  • Karen Abbott
    My name is Karen Abbott.
  • Dan Kerr
    And who are you with?
  • Karen Abbott
    And I'm here with my friend, Angie Whitehurst.
  • Dan Kerr
    Today, we're here to talk about celebrations in Petworth and your experience with celebrations. You've brought out some photographs. Could you tell us about some of those?
  • Karen Abbott
    Certainly. I—My mother and father, my stepfather loved to pet parties. And we, we did, she would have this basement. As a matter of fact, my father built the bar down here and we'd have card parties and parties for anything, just—just parties. And of course we weren't allowed to attend. But we could—we knew—we could hear the fun and we would sneak down and peek.
  • Karen Abbott
    But this, Angie, is a picture of my Aunt Betty at one of the parties. She's dancing. And that's my step, the back of my stepfather's head. But he did all the work down here so they could party. This basement was just a, it was a cellar, and he he fixed it up and put paneling on the walls and, they entertained—they entertained all their guests down here or in the kitchen. This picture happens to be in the kitchen and my mother used to have old kitchen tools, you know, the grind, the meat grinders, the shears the ice—what do you call them, the ice tongs, the huge ones, and she hung them on our wall. And I guess this is a picture of her husband, my stepfather, with the ladder hanging, some of those items on the. I still happen to have the same ladder upstairs.
  • Karen Abbott
    This is a picture of my mother and her girlfriends. And they are having their little drinks in the den upstairs. This is a picture of my mom. I think they might be in, I can't tell. I think they might be either down here or in the backyard. I can't tell. But again, their party here in Petworth, all the time parties.
  • Karen Abbott
    This is an old picture of what the backyard used to look like. The yard extends all the way out to where the little—the station wagon is and we had a fence and got a big walnut tree in the back, and had a fence in front of the walnut tree and her her tables, which had the umbrella during the summer, and they'd sit back there and party.
  • Karen Abbott
    And my mother loved to have dinner parties. And she was a fabulous cook, and this is one with her friends and I don't know if we were cleaning up or whatever.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    But looks like a lot of fun.
  • Karen Abbott
    Yeah, we had a lot of fun. And this is a picture of the backyard. This table, as a matter of fact, it was where she used to do a lot of—she had a garden, a vegetable garden, and she would do all of her potting on that table. Oh, and this one you can hardly see but it's a picture of, in our backyard, and evidently the children. We would have been running around and being bad. But we were, we had to all lay down with our heads on the table and be quiet.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    What do you think you did?
  • Karen Abbott
    I have no idea. We were always doing something.
  • Dan Kerr
    That's terrific. Sounds like you had quite a few parties in this house.
  • Karen Abbott
    Oh, lots of parties in this house.
  • Dan Kerr
    How has the idea of celebration or your celebrations changed since since these pictures were taken? How would you describe—?
  • Karen Abbott
    I actually do have that tendency of my mother's. I got that from her. I love to party. I love to have house parties. I have not done it in many years. But yes, I love the house party.
  • Angie Whitehurst
    And she likes to get dressed up.
  • Karen Abbott
    And I love to get dressed up. So yeah.
  • Dan Kerr
    Thank you very much.
  • Karen Abbott
    Thank you.