Rebecca Robinson Interview, October 12, 2020 - Rebecca Robinson Interview, October 12, 2020 (part 2)

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  • Claudia Vinci
    Okay. So here we are, back with part 2. Today is October 12, 2020. We are on Their Story. My name is Claude Vinci and this is Rebecca Robinson. We left off with Rebecca talking about the 18 and kind of the community that has arisen because of that. Can you just talk again a little bit about the significance to you and the other artists of having this group of black artists kind of work on one project together?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Yes, I honestly think (unintelligible) and the mural just gave us the reason to come together because I think as artists, we are in different parts of our careers, and we're (unintelligible) find our way and I think the 18, we've become this family and (unintelligible). One of the young ladies that's in the 18, her name is Ashley and we had this really big get together and Molly and (unintelligible). We just had this great little get together and just so we can start just relaxing a little bit, you know, and so I was sitting next to Ashley and we were just sitting there just talking about life (unintelligible). I told her I was like gosh, I really needed that and she was like really? I was like, yeah the last couple days. I think I just feel really tired or drained. I don't (unintelligible) like yeah, you're right. I do feel (unintelligible) and it was it was an eye-opening moment for me because it was like something that simple where you could be with someone you never even knew before and you connect and we all (unintelligible). And everybody really, I think just feels honored that we are all part of this this group and I'm just really happy to have met everybody. Everybody is amazing.
  • Claudia Vinci
    I unfortunately only heard part of that. I think it must be on my end, but we'll push through because we're almost done.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    If I need to repeat anything, I can repeat – are you able to edit or does it just upload it? I I I I
  • Claudia Vinci
    I I think for the final project I can definitely edit it. I'll talk to my professor about it. Yeah. Well, we'll figure it out. I did want to ask you about the day that you painted the mural. I know you mentioned there was some artists, there was some other people there. Who all took part in that completion of that day?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    As far as – including the artists, like who else was there?
  • Claudia Vinci
    Yeah, like I – sorry. I think it's freezing up again. I had watched that – It's saying I am having issues with bandwith.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Okay, and I don't know why it's freezing. Can you hear me now?
  • Claudia Vinci
    I can now yeah, it says this participant's having issues with their bandwidth. I don't know how to –
  • Rebecca Robinson
    It says that on mine on the first thing but now it seems like it's okay. Okay. So let's since I can hear you. Okay. So you were asking who was all a part of?
  • Claudia Vinci
    Yeah, like whether they're volunteers, right, or some other groups that were kind of helping out?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Yeah, absolutely. There were volunteers, they even put out a call sheet for volunteers and the volunteers whether they were handing out water or you can have someone come and help, you know, lay your background. I'm super particular about stuff like that. And I knew we only had really two days to do it. So I did some stencils. I knew what color I wanted, just so the day of I will be ready. So my best friend, she's always there to help and then a couple of other friends of mine they came to my letter and everybody had a certain number of volunteers. And I just kind of said: hey, can you go ahead and lay this out and then even kids were out there. So it was great because whatever the volunteers did – I don't think they cared what they had to do. They just wanted to be there and be a part of it. You know.
  • Claudia Vinci
    Let's talk a little bit about the defacement of the mural. Can you walk me kind of through that timeline and what happened?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Yes, I think it was a (unintelligible). Thank goodness, we got a lot of the pictures and everything and the aerial shots, but I remember.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Can you hear me okay?
  • Claudia Vinci
    I just heard that but not –
  • Rebecca Robinson
    I just didn't want to keep talking if it was cut – it kind of buffered again.
  • Claudia Vinci
    Go ahead. We'll see if we can get through this last question.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    All right, so I got a message around 3 a.m. and they said: okay, something's happened already. So I got up around 8:00, and I said, I just want to go there myself and I went down there that morning and I mean, I just couldn't believe it. I was so overwhelmed. (unintelligible) I ended up going live on Facebook and I wanted to have like a – I just wanted to capture it in that moment. So I didn't know what I was going to say. I just wanted to record what was going on and I just remember walking past each letter, and I just (unintelligible) all the people that came together there and the energy was high and then to see it defaced like that, it just it broke my heart it really did and (unintelligible) –
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Anybody that's an artist or a creative, when you have put your time and devotion and your passion into something and to see someone just disrespect it that way, it was very heartbreaking, it was.
  • Claudia Vinci
    Well, I'll ask you one more question to see if we can get it in. I know that was something that was really hard, you mentioned for you. I know you guys released that group comment following the defacement. What did you want to convey in that?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    As far as my – I mean, I just don't understand. What do you mean?
  • Claudia Vinci
    Did you, it was you – was it all 18 of you that kind of contributed to that group statement that you released?
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Oh, yeah, the group statement. Okay. Sorry. Yeah, so when we finally collectively talked about what happened and the defacement and everybody had a chance – I think everyone needed a chance to vent and feel what they wanted to feel because it was almost like some people were, I think were getting shamed kind of like well, it could have been this or could have been worse, but I think and I appreciate the fact that we were allowed to grieve and process it and once we got ourselves together, it was like, okay, what do we do next? But what I do like – instead of each person kind of going on a rant or saying this or getting – saying (unintelligible) –
  • Rebecca Robinson
    (unintelligible) said let's put out something that we all agree as a statement. And then after we put that statement, then we can start talking about it more freely. And I remember I said we need to go down to the mural because when we finished the mural before it was defaced, we all stood in front of it and we did you know the fist, and I said, well, what we need to do is go back down there, do the same pose, and then create maybe like a new hashtag or something and say it continues, Black Lives Matter, you know, it can (unintelligible).
  • Rebecca Robinson
    You didn't defeat the whole purpose of what we were there to do. We're stronger and I think that is what was so impactful to people because even though we had our moment of sadness it showed that (unintelligible) – going and I think it really showed resilience. It showed that you know, we did it because we wanted to but we also are not going to let something like (unintelligible) true purpose of this movement.
  • Claudia Vinci
    Well, I would love to ask you more questions, but due to the time restraint and the technological issues, maybe we can go ahead and end it. I just want to thank you for doing the interview and I'm really excited about the final project. I think it's going to be a valuable contribution. So just thank you so much for taking your time.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Thank you, and I appreciate it and anything else you need, feel free to ask. And The Eighteen, everybody's very open and welcome and everybody's being pulled one way or another. So I'm just glad that this project is happening, and I appreciate it and I wore my t-shirt today.
  • Claudia Vinci
    I love it (both laugh). Thank you so much again.
  • Rebecca Robinson
    Thank you, Claudia and reach out anytime if you need anything.
  • Claudia Vinci
    Perfect. Thank you. Bye! Bye!