Nicolás Interview, May 19, 2020 - Nicolás Interview, May 19, 2020

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  • SEGMENT SYNOPSIS: Eighth-grader Nicolás shares how COVID has impacted his life. He says that he hasn't been able to see his friends, and worries that because school has been cancelled, that high school will not start when it is supposed to for him. SUBJECTS: COVID-19; (Arlington, VA)
  • Nicolás
    I was invited to this project by my aunt. And I'm Nicolas, from Arlington, Virginia, and I'm an eighth grade student.
  • COVID-19 has impacted me, because I haven't been able to see my friends and school has been cancelled. And I don't think high school is going to start when it's supposed to.
  • The people that have kept me going are my friends because I've been able to text them and talk to them on FaceTime. And I've been able to talk to my family as well about problems occurring right now.
  • What I hope people learn from this crisis is that we need to set our differences aside in order to figure out the solution to the problem. And to just work on it as fast as we can.