Patrick Frazier Political and Social Movements Collection

Content Warning

This repository may contain outdated, harmful, or triggering terms and/or content


A lamppost sits next to a walkway, possibly at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around Washington, D.C. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
A man naps against a tree wrapped in an upside-down American flag during May Day protests during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
A group of people congregates at Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., undated
Dancing and drumming scenes around Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.
The crowd at an event with Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs at Concordia Church, Washington, D.C., 14 February 1968 or 1969
A community meeting labeled as being held at Concordia Church with Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs regarding the Black United Front. The meeting may have been held on February 14, 1968 or February 14, 1969.
Charles Cassell speaks to a man during a meeting at Concordia Church, Washington, D.C., 14 February 1968 or 1969
A community meeting labeled as being held at Concordia Church with Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs regarding the Black United Front. The meeting may have been held on February 14, 1968 or February 14, 1969.
A man holds a camera next to an icy pond, Washington, probably around Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
A man stands, head in hands, and leans against a tree, probably around Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
A man holds a boxing glove on a stick outside a bank, Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around Washington, D.C. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
Polo players play a game on the National Mall, undated
Scenes from a polo game on the National Mall. Included with images labeled "Sukkah – American University (10-6-1968)."
A crowd of May Day protesters at the National Archives begins to disperse as tear gas is released, 01-03 May 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
A child sits on a horse during a polo game on the National Mall, undated
Scenes from a polo game on the National Mall. Included with images labeled "Sukkah – American University (10-6-1968)."
Reproduced as a public service for the gay community of San Francisco
A flier featuring a reprinted cartoon, copyright 1972 by the Advocate Publications, Inc., that depicts a line of people collecting for various charities at a man's front door, with the man saying "No, thank you…I've decided to help my gay brothers and sisters for a change." The cartoon was reprinted by permission and reproduced as a public service for the gay community of San Francisco by the Society for Individual Rights.
End the slaughter in Indochina, end the draft
Flier, created by the National Council to Repeal the Draft, reminding the public that the President's authority to induct draftees expires June 30, 1971; however, President Nixon has asked for an extension. The National Council to Repeal the Draft urges public support to oppose the draft, contact Congressional representatives, and urge others to do the same in order to stop the draft.
Women march for the rights of Soviet Jews, Washington, D.C., undated
A protest against the treatment of Russian Jews in the Soviet Union.
Support mass uprising of Muslims in Iran; protest Shah-Carter conspiracy
Flier publicizing a march and rally, organized by the Young Muslims Organization, in Washington, D.C. on Monday June 5, 1978 in memory of the 15,000 Iranians who were killed by the Shah's U.S. trained and equipped army during the mass uprising on June 5, 1963 and to protest the Pahlavi regime. The Young Muslims Organization demands the return of Imam Khomeini to Iran, the overthrow and punishment of the Shah and his henchmen, the end of monarchy, and the end of U.S. support for the Pahlavi regime.
A forest pathway is coated with snow, probably around Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Welfare Rights Demonstration (4-7-1972)."
Men dance while drummers play around Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., undated
Dancing and drumming scenes around Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.
