Patrick Frazier Political and Social Movements Collection

Content Warning

This repository may contain outdated, harmful, or triggering terms and/or content


Charles Cassell and a woman speak after a meeting at Concordia Church, Washington, D.C., 14 February 1968 or 1969
A community meeting labeled as being held at Concordia Church with Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs regarding the Black United Front. The meeting may have been held on February 14, 1968 or February 14, 1969.
Action shot of a polo game near the Washington Monument on the National Mall, undated
Scenes from a polo game on the National Mall. Included with images labeled "Sukkah – American University (10-6-1968)."
A woman climbs a rocky incline, probably around Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
A crowd member asks Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs a question during a meeting at Concordia Church, Washington, D.C., 14 February 1968 or 1969
A community meeting labeled as being held at Concordia Church with Charles Cassell and Paul Jacobs regarding the Black United Front. The meeting may have been held on February 14, 1968 or February 14, 1969.
A woman climbing a rocky incline, probably around Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Snow on Capitol Hill (1-20-1970)."
Men and women dance during a drum circle performance at Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., undated
Dancing and drumming scenes around Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.
People standing in a crowd at a gathering at Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., undated
Dancing and drumming scenes around Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C.
May Day protesters link arms and block traffic on Pennsylvania Ave near the National Gallery at twilight, 01-03 May 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
City and riot police load May Day arrested protesters onto police buses, 01-03 May 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
Two people and a dog run through a field, probably near Washington, D.C., undated
Scenes around the Washington, D.C. area. Included with images labeled "Jewish Defense League Demonstration – Ellipse DC (3-21-1971)."
I want help! Volunteer for impeachment work
Poster illustrated by Peg Averill of a disheveled Uncle Sam figure seeking volunteers for the National Campaign to Impeach Nixon
Illuminated trees in front of a fountain at East Potomac Park, Washington, D.C., undated
Night scenes illuminating a fountain in Haines Point and East Potomac Park in Washington, D.C.
A large group (mostly women) assembles near the Natural History Museum under a feminist banner and "Free Erika! And all political prisoners" signs during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
A protester takes a nap under a shelter at the May Day protesters' West Potomac Park campsite, 01-03 May 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
Close-up of a billboard advertising legal abortions, usually under $250: ((212) 490-3600) Professional Scheduling Service, Inc., 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City 10017) during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
A protester clings to a riot officer's baton during a struggle amid the May Day protests, 01-03 May 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
A woman wearing a beret with a woman power pin draws with a marker on another woman's face near the Natural History Museum during anti-war demonstrations, possibly Vietnam War Out Now, 17-24 April 1971
This image was labeled May Day (5-3-1971). The May Day protests, organized by the May Day Tribe, were meant shutdown the federal government. The protests started on May 1, 1971 and continued for the next several days in Washington, D.C. Upon further review, some of the images in this grouping are most likely from the April 24, 1971 Vietnam War Out Now rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), an umbrella organization comprised of approximately 100 activist groups. This particular event also featured support from the United Auto Workers, the United Farm Workers of California, and segments of the Teamsters. The demonstration is against the invasion of Cambodia for immediate withdraw of all US forces from Southeast Asia. The event featured several prominent speakers such as Reverend Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Senator Vance Hartke, Bella Abzug and Herman Badillo, Members of Congress. Also addressing the Capitol Hill Convocation were I.F. Stone, Betty Friedan and Joseph Duffey. There were also several smaller protests leading up to Vietnam War Out Now, including Vietnam veteran demonstrations against the war and women's contingent demonstrations.
Manpower makes war power, repeal the draft
Flier publicizing the National Council to Repeal the Draft's mission, "the draft supplies fodder for undeclared wars…young men fighting old men's wars."
