Bill Gentile Photojournalism Collection

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A Miskito woman cooking over an outdoor fire in her village along the Coco River, Nicaragua
C. Bill Gentile 12/86 Picture Group; Miskito Village, Coco River, Nicaragua
A market scene with baskets of peppers and tomatoes, Managua, Nicaragua
C. Bill Gentile 3/87 Picture Group; Managua Market
President Daniel Ortega discusses Hurricane Joan, Nicaragua
10/23/88 AC034; Daniel Ortega on Hurricane; Nicaragua; Bill Gentile; For Newsweek
President Daniel Ortega visiting an area affected by Hurricane Joan, Nicaragua
10/23/88 AC034; Daniel Ortega Tours Hurricane ARSA; Nicaragua; Bill Gentile; For Newsweek
Minister of Defense General Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova shakes hand with U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral William Crowe, El Salvador
12/15/1988 AE385; U.S. Chief of Staff Adm. Crowe with Gen Eugenio Vides Casanova, Def. Min.; El Salvador; Bill Gentile; Newsweek
Minister of Defense General Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova (center) stands with two of his compatriots, El Salvador
12/15/1988 AE385; Center is Gen. Eugenio Vides Casanova; El Salvador; Bill Gentile; Newsweek
Convergencia Democrática co-founder Ruben Zamora speaking at a campaign event, El Salvador
1/10/89 AF360; El Salvador; Ruben Zamora; Bill Gentile-Sipa
