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20 million free tickets : special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (August 25, 1967)
5 Americans beaten: Pearson special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (July 12, 1958)
Acid thrown on congressman (August 18, 1959)
Adlai Stevenson loved people more than politics; his courage sometimes hurt his political success (July 15, 1965)
Admiral Leahy's real mission (October 24, 1946)
Advance story - The Daily Washington Merry-Go-Round (1932?)
African junket : special for Iowa papers (December 13, 1964)
Ahead of headlines! Newer than the news! (November 26, 1935?)
Air Force academy wrangle : Pearson special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (June 19, 1954)
Air Force plans to launch man satellite (November 7, 1958)
Alarming Chinese troop maneuvers (August 6, 1964)
Alf Landon on farm problem: Pearson special for farm area papers; available to all subscribers (October 11, 1957)
Almond growing democrats (May 18, 1948)
Anti-lynching vote (January 24, 1940)
Argentina's woes: special for papers interested in Latin American affairs; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (January 19, 1959)
