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20 million free tickets : special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (August 25, 1967)
5 Americans beaten: Pearson special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (July 12, 1958)
Acid thrown on congressman (August 18, 1959)
Actor in politics : Drew Pearson special for California papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (August 2, 1965)
Adam Powell's substitute (October 30, 1967)
Adlai Stevenson loved people more than politics; his courage sometimes hurt his political success (July 15, 1965)
Admiral Leahy's real mission (October 24, 1946)
Admirals revolt over F-111B (March 9, 1968)
Advance story - The Daily Washington Merry-Go-Round (1932?)
Advertising congressman: special for California papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (October 14, 1960)
Advice to GOP : Pearson special for Ohio papers; available to all subscribers (April 26, 1949)
African junket : special for Iowa papers (December 13, 1964)
African political babies: special for New York papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (October 28, 1960)
