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(1 - 20 of 41)


Acid thrown on congressman (August 18, 1959)
Alabama's L'Enfant : Pearson special for Alabama papers; available to all subscribers (October 29, 1962)
Barry and Willie Bioff (July 10, 1964)
Bentacourt vs. coalminers : Drew Pearson special for papers interested in Latin American affairs; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (March 11, 1963)
British worry: special for papers interested in Latin American affairs; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (January 6, 1959)
Bucking Charlie Halleck : special for New Jersey papers; available to all subscribers (February 23, 1962)
Canadian-U.S. labor snafu : Drew Pearson special for Canadian and Great Lakes papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (November 11, 1963)
Cancer in the air? : Pearson special for all Merry Go Round subscribers (December 7, 1962)
Castro signs with East Germany: special for papers interested in Latin American affairs; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (March 11, 1960)
Chairman Butler goofs again: special for Southern newspapers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (June 3, 1960)
Communism in Latin America: special for papers interested in Latin American affairs; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (August 13, 1959)
Courageous govenor : Pearson special for Ohio papers; available to all subscribers (October 29, 1962)
Cuban freedom fighters curtailed : Pearson special for papers interested in Latin American news; available to all subscribers (October 29, 1962)
Decisive switch: special for Pennsylvania papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (July 12, 1960)
Democrats investigate White House aide: special for Merry Go Round subscribers (May 15, 1960)
Dulles wanted to step aside (April 16, 1959)
Editors Note (November 16, 1932)
General Marshall as I knew him (February 20, 1959)
Juvenile delinquency probe: special for California and Missouri papers; available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (October 7, 1959)
Kennedy's next move in Cuba : Pearson special available to all Merry Go Round subscribers (April 23, 1961)
